Friday, July 29, 2011

Parakeet As Pet For Bird Lover Begginer

Parakeet is one of colorful and beautiful bird in the world. It is very friendly and easy to take care. The things you must know, the best parakeet that you can take care of is budgerigar or budgie. It used to live with people and it can live around 10 – 15 years. Parakeet can be the best pet for children and bird owner beginner. As bird lover beginner you have to know some ways to take care your parakeet and to train your parakeet. Not many people know that parakeet can speak like parrot even just a little.

Parakeet treatment guidance

In the wild life, parakeet likes to fly and eat freely. It used to eat natural food so you need to know which the best is and the worst food for parakeet. Parakeet likes to eat colorful fruit, such as broccoli, mango, carrots, green paper and papaya. You can also give it bird pellet for 1 – 2  teaspoon per days and bird vitamin supplements in its water for 2 – 3 times per day if needed. You are not allowed to give parakeet avocado, grape, cabbage or any dried processed food because they are poisonous for your parakeet. You have to let your parakeet fly freely for two days in your house, make sure you have closed the window and turned of the ceiling fan or you may use wing clipping scissors.

Parakeet as pet for bird lover begginer

In the parakeet cage, you need to equip it with bird perches, which are placed higher and lower to reach its drink and dish and it are better the one which made of fruit branches. Parakeet is an active animal and it like to be busy so you can add bird toy and ladder in its cage so the cage of parrot  need to have enough space. Its space is around 39x20x32. Do not put the cage near kitchen, bathroom, door and window because parrot does not like smell and cold drafts. Surely, you have to clean the cage weekly. Time for the bird bathing is 2 – 3 times per week based on your bird preferences in the morning. Sometimes, you can bath it with spray or let the bird bath by itself.

Parakeet additional activity

You can train your parakeet by your own with bird book or bird CD. You can start it by saying word “TREAT” before training and it usually try to imitate it. Parakeet in health condition like having smooth feather, healthy appetite and normal activity. But, if you find your parakeet lose weight, sit under the cage and sneezing, it means your bird is sick so you have to take it to veterinarian. Make sure you know everything to take care of Parakeet.

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