Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cats Funny That Color Your Life

Cats Funny That Color Your Life

Cats funny make your life joyful every day. Seeing, its face and behavior make us laugh. They are love, caring, affective and adorable pet. Cats have smooth fur that nicely stroke. They like lie on our nap and warm place. The expression face of cats funny are very interesting to see. You can enjoy yourself having cats as pet around you. Cats consider as funny animal as we watch some cats characters, such as garfield and felix the cat, they are really funny and smart. However, there are some funny facts about cat.

Cats’ funny facts

These are some cats funny facts, you need to know or maybe you never know about this before. First, cats do not like with cardboard or statue in the form of cat so that you can try put it on your window and curtain to make them stay away. Second, cats hate pepper, lemon peel, and cut soap. Third, cats like to scratch, just to place its mark on it to show that is it’s territorial. Fourth, cats hate water. Fifth, cat usually run away when hear noisy voice or surprises voice. Sixth, cats do not like vacuum cleaner because they are scary with the noises of vacuum cleaner. Seventh, cats always do its habit. You can surprise your cat and it look cats funny when run away because of loud noises.  Moreover, you can see cats funny expression when you do few things cats hate.

Cats funny creature and cute

By choosing several types of cats, you must find your funny cats. You can play together, tease it and care it. Cats are clean, care and loyal creature. If you give more your love, you will be loved too by your cats. Cats funny are entertaining for us and loving to human environment. Sometimes you can find cats funny curious about something and see its funny expression on its face.

So, cats funny is a good pet for those who want entertain yourself and play with the cat. Cats are active and curious animal so that you will never be bored seeing your cat everyday play around you. The cat like close to you and like play with its owner. It is so funny looking its behavior, hearing its sound and playing with them. Absolutely, you will never regret having cat beside you than other animal because cats funny.

Orange Cats as Favorite Cat Compare With Others

Orange Cats as Favorite Cat Compare With Others

Orange cats have good reputation in cat world. They even exist in cartoon world like gardfiel, moris, feline face ot cat food product. it show that orange cats have become favorite color in the world. The bright colors and tubby body make this cat looks funny and cute. Most of orange cat comes from Tabby genus, they have fat body and short or long hair. This tubby cat can be more expensive than other cat. Some movie business also use this cat as the player, such as breakfast at tiffany’s, star trek “ next generation”,  MIB and Alien.

Orange cats as favorite cat compare with others

Orange cats color

As this cat has orange color, it makes it famous. Like others cat, the cat’s coat depend on the chromosome inside its body to create the color of the coat. The male have one X chromosome so they need red X chromosome more to get orange color. The female have two red chromosomes so it means that the majority of female has orange color. Sometimes, these orange colors mix it with strip brown on the fur. However, orange cats exist in 80% male and 20% female. Many breeders like breeding orange cats

Orange cats’ facts

Orange cat consider as luxurious pet because it colors almost like gold. There are some significant characteristic of orange cats. First, there is a sign “M” between the eyes. Second, the most color of orange cats comes from wild color. Third, there is a black freckles around the nose. The best time raising tabby cat is at the age of 4 – 12 weeks. It will behave more friendly and good attitude. If we keep it at the adult cat age,  it seems that it will make them more aggressive and active to go outside.

Well, no wonder again to get your favorite orange cats, especially with orange colors, they look great and funny. The best time to keep it is in its early age to develop good socialization. You can choose whether short or long hair, they still look amazing. This breeding cat is so special. Non-neutered looks aggressive but you have your cat neutered it. it seems the cat more less aggressive animal and affection. They are also kind of smart and playful animal. So, this is the best pet for you to get new animal friend for you and you may glad for having orange cat.   

Saturday, August 4, 2012

White Cat

White Cat Look Sopiscated, Fluffy, Funny and Clean

White cat such as Persian cat, Maine coon cat, oriental long hair cat, Siberian cat, and American short hair are having amazing white fur. They look very sophiscated, fluffy, funny and clean so that it makes them high-class cat. The coat of white cats should be kept well to make it looks clean. Surely, you must spend more money in keeping this cats and extra attention for their treatment. Their coat should be cleaned frequently and stay away from any stain that makes their fur dirty. You must be proud having these cats.

white cat

White cat facts

Sometimes, you find white cat has blue eye in other side its eye, it means that it may be deaf in the part of their blue eye. They have thinner fur in its ear; it makes the cats easy to get skin cancer. The cause of white fur may be the result of some genetically disorder from the cats. The diseases are albino white, complete white spotting, and dominant white that caused by mutation. However, there is a believing, having white cat brings lucky for the owner. However, there are many cat that born in white naturally not because of any diseases.

White cats’ treatment

Having white cats requires extra treatment and attention. Considering cat is clean animal because it likes to clean its body every time the cat finds its body dirty. You need to give a hand to keep your white cat clean. First, bath your cat twice a month with whitening pet shampoo and let it for ten minutes on your cat’s coat then bath it with warm water. Second, brush your cat’s fur with fine-tooth comb to remove dust, after that use soft bristle brush to soften its fur. Third, clan tears on your eyes cat use special cleaner for dog or cat and may be able to use warm cloth. Fourth, while rub cat’s fur with shampoo and avoid eyes and nose parts. Fifth, clean its era with cotton ball moisten with hazel not too deeply. At last, kept indoor your cat to avoid any dirtiest.

Nevertheless, if you have white cats, it means you need extra money and time to keep clean your cat. The cats also will like you if you give more love and attention. So, it is great having a luxurious pet like white cats.

Small Cats

Small Cats Breed

Small cats breed divide into several categories such as long hair and short hair. This is including Singapore, the Russian blue, dwarf cat, and teacup cats. Their size are usually under normal size so they can easily take it to everywhere. The popularity of small cats are high so that we need license if want to have one. The most popular small cats breed is from dwarf genus. Today, there is controversial news about breeding this cat that only to full the demand of this cat. Dwarfism happened by endocrine malfunction and combination of genetic factors.

small cats

Small cat in dwarf genus

Dwarf cat usually have short legs body because of mutation but they still active and playful. The most popular dwarf cat is the munchkin race. There are many cross-breeding munchkins with other species and create new species dwarf cat with many colors and patterns. Dwarf’s cats has weight between 5 – 9 pounds in maximum age and they can grow only in small to medium sized. Munchkin cats found in U.S in the late 20th century, documented in 1960’s , and legally breed in 1983. After that, munchkin accepted international cat association in the 1990’s. It made these small cats followed for any contests and competitions. There has been many cross breading from these small cats.

Small cat as miniature cat

This miniature cats looks very cute and interesting small cats. Small cats body has different size from normal cats. For example, teacup cat has very small-size  body that make it easy to put in your pocket. Considering the size of the small cat, they can be bought in high price. Moreover, Singapore cat is the smallest cat of breeding. They have been breeding widely all over the world but you need certification to get these cats. The breeder usually allows you to purchase the cat at the age of 5 – 6 years old.

If you interested with small sized cat you can choose dwarf, teacup cats, or Singapore cat. They can be a good friend for your child and yourself. With small cats, you have the right pet to play with and care it. Even though this cat has expensive price but is is worth, considering the uniquely of the cats. You have to give special place for these special cats in your house. Well, having these cats are very joyful because not only cute but also smart pet for small cats.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cute Baby Cats

Cute Baby Cats Need More Attention

Cute baby cats or newborn kittens are very fragile. They cannot live without cat mother or human surrogate’s mom. Newborn kitten really depend on their mom to survive. 25 % of newborn kitten die while still in their litter. If you find cute baby cats at the corner of the street, you way take it home and care it at home or give it to another cat’s mom. At the first hours of the kitten’s life is the critical period because the newborn kitten is blind and deaf until around two weeks. So they need more attention to get what they need.

cute baby cats

Cute baby cats early life

Newborn kitten also never walk away from their litter. They like to live together with their siblings. Their mother, that will take full nursery for the cute baby cats. In its early live, they even cannot clean their waste so their mother will take responsibility. After giving birth, Newborn cute baby cats as same as body temperature like cat’s mom but after 15 – 20 minutes, this temperature will drop drastically.  If the kitten baby cannot maintain its body temperature, they will get life threatening low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Cute baby cats’ nursery

If you decide to care newborn cute baby cats, you will need some guidance to help you raise the kitten. The things you need to prepare are nursing bottle and nipples, commercial milk replacement and towel. When bottle feeding cute baby cats, do not use cow milk because it is dangerous for the kitten’s digestion. You have to take care with the feeding and caring at day and night as surrogate mom. Newborn cute baby cats, also fragile at some bacterial and infection, such as parasitic worm infestation, eye infection, and diarrhea. In the case of you find this syndrome; you can take the newborn kitten to veterinarian.

As long as you know the sign of your cute baby cats health, such as having strong suckling reflect when they are hungry, having chubby and warm body. Because of weak immunity system in its body, you need to take care carefully. The good things are you can get closer to your beloved newborn kitten. They may be obedient pet for you. Actually, it is not difficult to care the kitten by yourself. So, you can try to care cute baby cats.

Cats Eye

Cats Eye Infection and Treatment Tips 

Cats eye problems vary from time to time, from the most common ones to severe problems that require serious medical intervention. While some eye problems on cats are quite common, many clueless cat owners can freak out when they find put that their cats have eye problems. Worse, the owners may not aware that their cats have problem, thus let their cats in miserable conditions until it is too late. While even pet cats cannot avoid eye problems, there are some practical tips for treatment and home care if your cat gets cats eye problems.

cats eye

One of the most common cats eye problems is conjunctivitis, which is basically a form of eye infection that can occur single-handedly or together with other eye conditions. Almost all cats will likely to get this disease at least one in their lifetime (more if they are stray cats that live in unhygienic conditions). Three common bacteria that cause this cats eye problem are Feline Chlamydia, Feline Mycoplasma, and FHV-1 (Feline Herpes Virus type 1). Understanding the characteristics of these bacteria can help you get the best treatment for your cat.

First, you need to understand the common symptoms of cats eye infection. Initially, your cat may squint its eyes a lot, which should be the very first signal of some problems. Then, your cat’s eyes may show some liquid discharge that looks like tears but with dark colors such as red, yellow, gray, or even clear. The most obvious signs of cats eye problems is when you notice redness and swelling around your cat’s eyes pink membrane lining. Finally, you may notice extra symptoms like continuous sneezing and trembling. Those symptoms can appear together or just one or two symptoms, but they are enough signs to bring your cat to vet.

Cats eye problems can only be treated with medicine from a vet, but your next contribution also plays important role. If the infection is caused by Chlamydia or Mycoplasma, the vet will give antibiotics in a form of eye drop solution. However, just like Herpes virus in human, there is no cure for FHV-1. If your vet diagnoses your cat with FHV-1 infection, you can help your cat by minimize stressful condition, since FHV-1 infection symptoms are triggered by stress. With good care and proper treatment, there is no reason that you and your cat cannot handle common health problems in cats eye.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bengal Cat

Bengal Cat Care Tips to Treat Health Problems

Bengal cat is more than just a pet cat for serious owners; it is an exotic breed that has fun personality and unique fur patterns, yet still retains some of its ‘feral’ look thanks to its spot patterns that fairly resemble its larger relatives (leopard and cheetah). Bengal cat itself is truly a mixed breed between a Bengal wild cat and female tabby cat. Bengal cat is a champion in many cat contests, yet it makes perfect pet thanks to its playful personality and gentleness, makes it perfect for a family pet. However, despite its ‘tough’ appearance, Bengal cat can suffer from several health problems if you do not treat it well.

bengal cat

A Bengal cat can quickly be close with its owner, but this closeness sometimes can bring trouble if the owner does not apply proper care of its pet. Many clueless owners, especially children, often like to tease a Bengal cat to eat chocolate. While the cat can seem to enjoy it at first, chocolate can cause serious health problems because there are substances that are not suitable for a cat’s digestion. A Bengal cat that eats chocolate can suffer from hyperactivity, heavy breathing, vomiting, even seizures and death. Worse, many people are even not aware about this condition because they do not put much attention to their cats and just let them play with children. If this happens, you should quickly call your vet or bring your cat to a pet clinic.

Like any other cats, Bengal cat can enjoy eating anything that piques its appetite even if the food is already old. However, if you do not pay attention to what your cat eats, Bengal cat can end up in dangerous situation because of moldy food. A Bengal cat tends to have low tolerance toward bacteria, fungi, and mold. Eating those can cause serious health problems that can end in death. The common food poisoning symptoms on a Bengal cat are diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and fever. If those happen, you should immediately bring the cat to the vet.

Last, pay attention if there is any body of water or damp places around your house. A Bengal cat likes water and plays in it, and if you do not treat its fur well, your Bengal cat can emit foul smell from the fur, has mud or dirt build up from playing in dirty water, and even brings home some bacteria from outside. This can lead further to health problems both for your cat and yourself or family members. Treat your cat’s fur regularly with bath using special shampoo, and brush its fur both for grooming purpose and affection sign. With proper care and attention, it is so much fun having a Bengal cat.

Kittens and Cats

Kittens and Cats – Differences in Keeping Them

Kittens and cats are great pets for they who do not go out much and prefer quiet, graceful and loveable pets. They may not enjoy the ‘man’s best friends’ reputations as dogs, but they are sure charming and become favorites among both single person and families. While some people prefer adopting cats, others like keeping cats since they were kittens. Kittens and cats may just names for the same species in different ages, but they can display different behaviors and require different treatments as well as adaptation process. Here are some tips to better treat and handle your kittens and cats.

kittens and cats

First, let’s talk about kittens. While kittens and cats both require much attention, kittens should be adopted by people who have more time and responsibility. Kittens are naturally more adventurous than adult cats and need more attention as compensation from the lack of their natural mothers (provide that you only adopt kittens, not getting the kittens from your cats). You should provide special areas or spaces for them to explore, and you must spend time as much as you can with them to create bonding and enable easier training. Kittens and cats both demand attention, but kittens are more likely to more demanding when it comes to attention seeking.

Meanwhile, cats are the quietest among kittens and cats yet can be more difficult to handle if the training steps do not run well. Cats also have lower maintenance than dogs and keeping them demands less of your time, but keeping cats without proper attention day and night can make the animals distance themselves from you. However, you will likely to bond easier with cats than kittens, provide that you give them enough care although not as much as kittens. Play with them as often as you can, or use brushing time as both playing and grooming activities; kittens and cats basically are the most attention-seeking pets.

Finally, kittens and cats require different methods of handling in order to create good behaviors. Kittens, like children, are developing their nature and personality during the first several months. If you let a kitten interact well with everyone in your house, it will develop better behavior toward humans when it becomes adult. With adult cats, you can only make sure that you give them both love and discipline at the same time, because adult cats have already developed specific nature whether they are active or demure. Nonetheless, with proper bonding stage, love, caring and discipline, you will be able to get the best partners from your kittens and cats.