Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kittens and Cats

Kittens and Cats – Differences in Keeping Them

Kittens and cats are great pets for they who do not go out much and prefer quiet, graceful and loveable pets. They may not enjoy the ‘man’s best friends’ reputations as dogs, but they are sure charming and become favorites among both single person and families. While some people prefer adopting cats, others like keeping cats since they were kittens. Kittens and cats may just names for the same species in different ages, but they can display different behaviors and require different treatments as well as adaptation process. Here are some tips to better treat and handle your kittens and cats.

kittens and cats

First, let’s talk about kittens. While kittens and cats both require much attention, kittens should be adopted by people who have more time and responsibility. Kittens are naturally more adventurous than adult cats and need more attention as compensation from the lack of their natural mothers (provide that you only adopt kittens, not getting the kittens from your cats). You should provide special areas or spaces for them to explore, and you must spend time as much as you can with them to create bonding and enable easier training. Kittens and cats both demand attention, but kittens are more likely to more demanding when it comes to attention seeking.

Meanwhile, cats are the quietest among kittens and cats yet can be more difficult to handle if the training steps do not run well. Cats also have lower maintenance than dogs and keeping them demands less of your time, but keeping cats without proper attention day and night can make the animals distance themselves from you. However, you will likely to bond easier with cats than kittens, provide that you give them enough care although not as much as kittens. Play with them as often as you can, or use brushing time as both playing and grooming activities; kittens and cats basically are the most attention-seeking pets.

Finally, kittens and cats require different methods of handling in order to create good behaviors. Kittens, like children, are developing their nature and personality during the first several months. If you let a kitten interact well with everyone in your house, it will develop better behavior toward humans when it becomes adult. With adult cats, you can only make sure that you give them both love and discipline at the same time, because adult cats have already developed specific nature whether they are active or demure. Nonetheless, with proper bonding stage, love, caring and discipline, you will be able to get the best partners from your kittens and cats.

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