Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bird Pet Breeds

Bird Pet Breeds – Which One You Should Choose?

Bird pet breeds are numerous, and a first time owner can be left overwhelming over various bird breeds he or she can choose. Each owner has his or her own favorite bird characteristics; some like quiet and gentle bird, other like energetic bird with playful attitude, or a singing bird with gorgeous feather colors. Some birds require much time from the owners for maintenance, training and socializing, others require less of the same things. Nevertheless, choosing the wrong bird pet breeds can make the owners feel stress or regret. Here is some basic information about some common bird breeds.

bird pet breeds

First, let’s talk about the playful one. Almost all people who love birds will mention the African grey parrot as one of the most playful and smartest bird pet breeds. They love to interact with their owners, especially when the owner tickles their heads, which is their favorite affection sign. If you train and discipline this bird well, it will make a great and lively companion at home. However, this is one among several bird pet breeds that has long age, thus requires high loyalty from the owner. Stressful gray parrots have been known to suffer from baldness or even peck their owners painfully if they are stressed and undisciplined.

Finch is one of the most favorite in colorful, singing bird category of bird pet breeds. Finches are not only colorful, but they also have colorful sounds that are differed into various chirps, singings, and warbles. In the wild, a finch uses these various sounds for communication purposes, including the most colorful singing voice at mating season. Naturally, a finch is a social bird with active lifestyle, so the owner of this kind of bird pet breeds must not just put the bird in the small cage and leave it there. A finch requires rather large cage with fixtures for it to play and constant attention from its owner to avoid stress.

More experienced bird owner may want to keep love birds. Among various bird pet breeds, these are birds that are pleasant to look at because of their colors and gentle behaviors. However, not only they need constant affection from the owner, but they are also known as very social. If a bird owner wants to keep a love bird, it is recommended that he or she gives a mate for the bird. Stressful love birds can annoy the owners by screeching continuously or being agitated in their cages. As long as you understand some basic knowledge like those mentioned before, you will find less problems in adopting any bird pet breeds.

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