Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bird Pet Store

Bird Pet Store – How to Choose the Best Bird to Keep

Bird pet store is a great place to select a pet that has its own charm; beautiful, has comforting singing, not noisy or create big mess, and perfect for they who want a pet that is less troublesome but intelligent and has great skill in social nature. However, so many people think that buying a good bird just means buying the biggest or the most colorful birds at the store. On the contrary, bird pet store exists because of good reasons; bird is a pet that requires specific treatment and at least basic knowledge about pet bird from the owner side, because different species of pet birds have different behaviors, too.

bird pet store

Keeping a bird at home requires as great responsibility as with a dog, cat, or rabbit. Although a bird seems to be going nowhere, the owner must be diligent in cleaning, feeding, and even training the bird so it can become a great companion. Bird pet store has varied, if not extensive, pet bird species that each has individual behaviors and treatment methods. There are birds that are quiet, loud, playful, calm, and even smart. Therefore, a future bird owner should make bird pet store a reference source instead of just another place to buy a pet animal.

A person who never keeps any bird before should do a little research about the behaviors of various pet birds. Bird pet store can be a great place for this because the owner or clerk has experiences in handling and treating birds. Bird is by no means a low maintenance pet animal, yet there are birds that require lower level of maintenance than other types. There are also birds that can cost more budgets in keeping, or demanding more extra time from their owners. All of this information can be obtained from any bird pet store.

A first time owner should visit bird pet store repeatedly to check out all the collections, learning a bit about each behavior and treatment, and consult to the owner or clerk about the best bird to keep. Ask the clerk for low maintenance bird for first time owner, while more experienced owner can ask for bird that requires more budget, time, and has more complicated maintenance. If it is possible, keep good relationship with the clerk or store owner so that you can have some sort of steady source of reference and sharing partner every time you must come back to that bird pet store.

Bird Pet Breeds

Bird Pet Breeds – Which One You Should Choose?

Bird pet breeds are numerous, and a first time owner can be left overwhelming over various bird breeds he or she can choose. Each owner has his or her own favorite bird characteristics; some like quiet and gentle bird, other like energetic bird with playful attitude, or a singing bird with gorgeous feather colors. Some birds require much time from the owners for maintenance, training and socializing, others require less of the same things. Nevertheless, choosing the wrong bird pet breeds can make the owners feel stress or regret. Here is some basic information about some common bird breeds.

bird pet breeds

First, let’s talk about the playful one. Almost all people who love birds will mention the African grey parrot as one of the most playful and smartest bird pet breeds. They love to interact with their owners, especially when the owner tickles their heads, which is their favorite affection sign. If you train and discipline this bird well, it will make a great and lively companion at home. However, this is one among several bird pet breeds that has long age, thus requires high loyalty from the owner. Stressful gray parrots have been known to suffer from baldness or even peck their owners painfully if they are stressed and undisciplined.

Finch is one of the most favorite in colorful, singing bird category of bird pet breeds. Finches are not only colorful, but they also have colorful sounds that are differed into various chirps, singings, and warbles. In the wild, a finch uses these various sounds for communication purposes, including the most colorful singing voice at mating season. Naturally, a finch is a social bird with active lifestyle, so the owner of this kind of bird pet breeds must not just put the bird in the small cage and leave it there. A finch requires rather large cage with fixtures for it to play and constant attention from its owner to avoid stress.

More experienced bird owner may want to keep love birds. Among various bird pet breeds, these are birds that are pleasant to look at because of their colors and gentle behaviors. However, not only they need constant affection from the owner, but they are also known as very social. If a bird owner wants to keep a love bird, it is recommended that he or she gives a mate for the bird. Stressful love birds can annoy the owners by screeching continuously or being agitated in their cages. As long as you understand some basic knowledge like those mentioned before, you will find less problems in adopting any bird pet breeds.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bird Pet Supplies

Bird Pet Supplies – How to Handle Your Bird Pet Supplies

Controlling your budget on your bird pet supplies is very important, because somehow bird pet supplies will cost a lot if you do not carefully do a limitation. First thing you need to do, to limit your bird supplies budget is considering to buy second-handed bird supplies. Large and comfort bird cage, nowadays, might cost very expansive. Thus, second-handed cage can be a solution to cut your expense. There are a lot of shops which provide second-handed cage. Make sure you choose a proper second-handed cage for your bird. Check out its durability, quality, and cleanness. You should choose sterile cage to make sure there is no contagion on the cage.

Bird Pet Supplies

Another consideration for your bird pet supplies is making limitation on what supplies needed by your bird. Do not buy things that will be useless, that will be ineffective expanses. Food is the most important bird pet supplies for your bird so make sure you can allocate and control your budget spending on bird food. It will be better for you to buy huge number of food supply. You can buy bulk items with cheaper price in grocery stores. You need to spend more money if you buy small amount of food in supermarket.

Before buying your bird pet supplies, in this case food supply, you better have consultation to your veterinarian what kind of food need by your pet. It is important because if you give wrong food to your pet, it can cause health problems or even death. Thus, before you buying bulk amount of bird pet supplies, you have to make sure that those food are suitable for your bird. Choose nutritious food for your bird. There are wide variations of bird food containing a lot of nutrition that you can buy for your bird. Among of them are pallets, grains, peas, and bananas. Those foods are important to be included on the list of your bird pet supplies

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Parrotlet – How to Take Care Your Parrotlet

Parrotlet is a species of bird which has a cute look because of the tiny size. This bird is known as the tiniest species of parrot. Having Parrotlet as your pet will give you a lot of fun because basically Parrotlet has a very attractive, intelligence, and lovely personality. They have exactly the same character and personality with parrot but in small size. The most interesting thing about this bird is that they cannot scream. So, this pet is very suitable for you who lives in apartment or for you who love quiet. This bird can produce some words or phrases through regular practice. But, of course, they only have limited ability.

Parrotlet – How to Take Care Your Parrotlet
Taking care of Parrotlet is not a difficult thing to do. But you cannot said that it is as an easy job. Important thing to be remembered when you have Parrotlet as your pet that you should keep the bird busy. Make sure if you do a lot of interaction with your pet. But if you think that you cannot have too much time spending on it, you can buy two or three Parrotlet, so they can interact with each other. When you buy more than one Parrotlet, you need to bear the consequence that they will not be interested in doing interaction with human anymore because they prefer to interact with another Parrotlet.

Cage is a very important place for the parrotlet because the parrotlet will spend almost all of his time in the cage. That is why the cleanness of the cage is very important for the health of parrotlet. The cage of the parrotlet should be clean and comfort. By cleaning its cage regularly, you can avoid the disease. Dirty cage will cause several of disease to come and it is really dangerous for parrotlet live in danger. You can use hot water and apple cider to clean up the cage regularly.

Next thing you need to concern in taking care of parrotlet is the food. You should give your parrotlet various kind of food. Parrotlet favorite foods are pallets, millets, and seeds. You can use the variation of those three different foods to feed your parrotlet. If you think you need to give your parrotlet more nutrition, you can give jumbo millet as the food. Jumbo millet is somehow considered as a very nutritional food for your parrotlet.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bird Pet Finch

Bird Pet Finch- Taking Care Your Bird Pet Finch

Bird pet finch can be a choice for you as a pet. In fact, there are different types of bird pet finch that you can have as your pet. That is why, it is important to know what species of finch that you want to have. Each species of finch has a different type of caring process. In fact, Finch is differentiated into three different species. They are Zebra finches, Gouldian finches, and Society finches. Through the following information you can see how the three species are differentiated.
Bird Pet Finch- Taking Care Your Bird Pet Finch
The first species of finch is the most familiar bird pet finch that everyone ever seen. It is a zebra finch. This type of bird pet finch is easily to find almost in every pet shop and the price tends to be inexpensive. Zebra finch enjoys having interaction with human, especially its owners. But it does not mean that they can easily be hand tamed. This species originally come from Australia. Therefore, you can put a pot organic grass in the cage space. It is because in Australia, they usually live in open grassland. You need to give them supplement made from hardboiled egg, greens and spray millet. If you take care of your zebra finches carefully, they can live for about 7 to 10 years.

Second species of bird pet finch is Guoldian finches. This type of bird pet finch has gentle characteristic. When you plan to have this bird pet finch as your pet, make sure you buy a pair or a group.  It is because Guoldian finch habitually lives with its group. Guoldian finches are somehow a very good pet for us, because they enjoy the interest given by their keeper. It is able to adapt in almost every situation.  Originally, this species of finches is commonly found in North of Australia. You have to give them roomy cage to make them feel more comfortable.

Another species of bird pet finch is Society Finches. When you hear the name, of course you will realize that this finch species need to live in pairs or in groups. This bird is very suitable for your home, because they are very good singer who have beautiful voice. Basically, having Society finches as your pet is very simple. You can apply the same diet of Zebra finch. In average, 10-13 years are the average age reached by this type of bird pet finch.